Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hey All,
Just a quick update. The Interns (Suzy from Sudan and Tibetian Tenzin & Jampa Dolma) and myself are all heading to Jamshedpur (In the state of Jharkhand) this friday. We are going there for an outreach program. That means that we are going to go around to different groups of people and give presentations to them about Initiatives of Change as well as protecting the environment. Exciting stuff. We'll be staying in the houses of some other IofC members and they'll be in charge of taking us around. Priya (Our internship coodinator) is origially from Jamshedpur, so I think we'll really get to see a side of the city that not many people get to see.

We are going to take the train to Jharkhand. If any of you look at a map, you'll soon realize that its on the other side of India. I found out that its goingto take a WHOPPING 36 hours by train to reach there. NICE! Plus, we're taking a non A/C sleeper, so its really going to be the AWESOMEST train ride ever. WISH ME LUCK.

I feel so lucky to have travelled this much during my trip. I have travelled to 7 states so far (Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Goa and Maharastra) and all of them have been amazing.

However, there is still one state that I'm dying to go to: Himachal Pradesh (Dharamsala). I'll explain more about this fascination and my Tibetian Friends that have changed my life in my next post. :)

val :)
PS- I'm reading the Autobiography of the Dalai Lama and its amazing. Its not a book i would normally read as I usually think that books like that are only for smart & deep people. But Im doing it for Tenzin and JD!

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